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STRAIGHT OUT OF AN ARCHITECTURAL SHOWBOOK. You really can't ask for much more out of a Cape style home because THIS Cape style home is what other Cape style homes aspire to. Gone is the segmented, boxy space and, in its place, is the bright, airy, OPEN FLOOR PLAN of your dreams. Most Cape style homes sequester the cook from the party. Not here! The space was transformed to create a unified space between the kitchen, dining room, and family room with loads of NATURAL LIGHT that's great for all types of gatherings from parties to intimate gatherings. The added kitchen island serves as a central hub of the home.The charm of a traditional Cape has been elevated. Further elevating this home, the lower level has been transformed into the fun space you always hoped to have. It has room for an official dart tourney (or a billiards table) and added a lounge area and a bar (with a built-in beer tap). Want to take the party outside? A walk-out takes advantage of the great yard space. A must see!
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